The northeast shoreline of Seattle on Lake
Washington is known as the Emerald Coast of Seattle, the Emerald City . Seattle ’s Lake Washington Emerald Coast neighborhoods are Madison Park, Harrison/Denny Blaine
(commonly just “Denny-Blaine”) and Madrona. The Madison Park neighborhood
includes the Seattle LW waterfront from the SR-520 Bridge to the north edge of
the Seattle Tennis Club (p25 LW 130 Homes).
Denny-Blaine is to the immediate south and includes the Seattle Tennis Club and
the waterfront past the McCaw mansion on p38 of LW 130 Homes. Madrona is the next waterfront to the south. It
includes Rob Glaser’s 3 lots and 2 mansions and the last (southern most) Seattle mansion in the book. That mansion belongs to Peter
Rose and is on p40 of LW 130 Homes.
are the prime Seattle neighborhoods. Before the floating bridges were built
this was the area for the mansions of
Seattle’s movers and shakers. Now the area is a diverse mix of old and new
money along with some medium priced housing. There are many fantastic mansions,
in addition to the shoreline, on the hills and surrounding the Broadmoor Golf
Club. The Golf Club was founded in 1924 and overlooks Union Bay . The gated entrance to the Broadmoor Club and
community is less than one mile from Madison Park’s waterfront park.
Downtown Madison
Park is one block inland
Madison Park
Judge John J. McGilvra was the pioneer-founder of the Madison Park
area in the 1860s when he acquired 420 acres in this area.
Reed Estate (left) and Washington Park Tower (right)
The 23 story Washington Park Tower is our landmark. It and the adjacent condos are to
the immediate south of Madison Park (The Park). Washington Park Tower has 53 condominiums and was built in 1969. This is
the highest residential building on Lake Washington.
The five waterfront homes south of here are in an
exclusive gated community of nine homes. This is the 8 acre Reed Estate where
Howard Schultz lives and where Gary Reed grew up. It was established in the
early 1900s by Gary ’s grandfather, Mark Edward Reed. It was that era’s
version of the current Gates and Allen estates. It was subdivided in the 1940s
into a private gated community of nine homes. The only homes here of the 1940s
era are on LW 130 Homes pages 20 and
22. When the property was subdivided one of the mansions was cut into 3 pieces
and barged to Mercer
Island . It is the house on
page 72 of LW 130 Homes and in the 2/16/12
post. The mansions (Schultz, Reed, Diamond, Alvord et al.) on Madison
Park’s waterfront are featured in the 4/22/12
Entrance gate to the Reed
Estate nine home community
Mansion on Mercer Island that was barged from the
Reed Estate
Denny-Blaine Waterfront
with the Seattle Tennis Club in the foreground
Viewing Denny-Blaine in the
Denny-Blaine and Madrona have many fabulous old mansions with
gorgeous grounds on the waterfront and on the hills above. Plus there are many
newer modern mansions. The mansions (Ackerley, Horowitz, Ragen, Keister,
Chesnut, Moll et al.) on north Denny Blaine’s waterfront are featured in the 4/20/12
post. The mansions (McCaw, Kurt Cobain, Blume, Robbins et al.) on south
Denny Blaine’s waterfront are featured in the 4/19/12
post. The mansions (Glaser – Rose et al.) on Madrona’s waterfront are
featured in the 4/14/12
View from Denny-Blaine looking
Rob Glasers Madrona 3 lot and 2 mansions compound
Where President Obama had lunch in 2010
(This is the third
chapter [go
to next chapter “Cruising NW Mercer Island”] of our “Lake Washington
Cruising” series. The chapters are being posted in reverse order. When all
chapters are posted they will be in order in this blog with the first chapter
at the top. You can read and print an abbreviated pdf
version of the entire series.)